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Archive of notices (COVID-19)

  • Information for cross-border workers, so-called pendlers (commuters)
    The exceptions at the borders, especially for so-called pendlers (cross-border workers/commuters), aim only to enable border-crossing related to the performance of employment without the necessity to undergo quarantine after returning to the Czech Republic. Beware that the general rules restricting the free movement, as announced in the Government Resolution, apply also for pendlers (Czech citizens as well as foreigners)!!! - this rule applies to all persons in the territory of the Czech Republic. It is, therefore, necessary to avoid contact with other people and also comply with other restrictions.

  • If you are foreign national and you want to travel from the Czech Republic to your home country during the state of emergency, immediately contact your embassy and tell them your interest in returning home. You can find contact information on embassies here.

  • In the event of non-compliance with these restrictions, it is possible to remove border-crossing exceptions for pendlers. Be considerate.

  • Information for foreigners as regards accommodation in hotels and hostels in the territory of the Czech Republic 
    All accommodation establishments are generally prohibited from providing accommodation services. However, THIS PROHIBITION DOES NOT APPLY TO accommodating foreigners until they leave the territory of the Czech Republic and foreigners with a work permit in the Czech Republic. Accommodation establishments can continue to provide accommodation services, but only to these foreigners.
    Note: Accommodation services are defined by the Government Regulation no. 278/2008 Coll., on the contents of individual trades. All obligations of landlords under the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals remain valid.

  • On March 18th, 2020 the Government adopted a regulation which orders all cross-border commuters (pendlers) to restrict movement on the territory of the Czech Republic for essential needs only. The pendlers on the territory of CZ cannot: conduct necessary journeys to visit family or close persons, conduct journeys necessary to meet the needs and services for another person (volunteering, neighbourhood assistance), conduct journeys to deal with urgent official matters, including the necessary escort of relatives and close persons, stay in nature or parks. These persons are obliged to observe all other measures, particularly the obligation to wear the respiratory system protection (respirators, surgical masks, face masks, scarfs, shawls, etc.). All pendlers must tolerate health checks on symptoms of infectious diseases when crossing the state border.

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