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Document on the purpose of stay



A document on the purpose of stay is primarily a confirmation from a school or an educational legal entity about enrolment in studies. To achieve unity in the documents confirming the purpose of stay in the territory of the Czech Republic, the MOI compiled the Unified confirmation on the enrolment in studies (doc, 28 kB) and the Unified confirmation on the enrolment in education (doc, 33 kB) forms that can be used for these purposes. If you use a different document, it must contain the identification of the subject that issued the document - the subject’s name and address, the signature of an authorised person including a stamp and the place and date of issuing the confirmation. In relation to the applicant, the document must contain the applicant’s name(s), surname, nationality, date of birth, length of expected educational stay in the Czech Republic (from - to), title or type of education programme (give details on the form of study - e. g. daily attendance, combined studies, correspondence or the number of study hours per week etc.).

For an application for issuance of a long-term residence permit for study purposes pursuant to § 42d of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. one or more of the following circumstances must apply:

  • study on an accredited study programme (course) at a higher educational institution pursuant to Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education and on amendments and additions to other Acts, as amended - § 64(a) Act No. 326/1999 Coll.Note.: Some higher education institutions (hereinafter referred to as "universities") offer (unaccredited) educational programmes (courses) which are partially "combined" with accredited study programmes - these tend to be short-term (lasting one to two semesters) educational programmes intended for students of universities to which at first glance § 64(a) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. cannot apply and which are operated as part of exchange programmes intended for partner universities abroad, most Czech public and private universities.  

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport was asked for its interpretation with regard to this type of educational programme. On the basis of the Ministry’s reaction, it may be deduced that this type of educational activities may be considered to constitute study pursuant to § 64(a) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., because these students too are registered in the national register of students. Therefore the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic considers this type of "study" to constitute study pursuant to § 64(a) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., however, in view of the information from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, the Ministry of the Interior shall require the university in question to declare in the document confirming the purpose of stay in Czech territory that the foreign national (applicant for residence authorisation) shall be registered in the national register of students.

  • Participation in linguistic preparation and training to study an accredited study programme of a higher-education institution, organised by a public higher-education institution - § 64(b) Act No. 326/1999 Coll.

This concerns preparation for study on a specific accredited study programme or on more than one specific accredited study programmes. Therefore, for the needs of the administrative proceedings concerning the issuance of residence authorisation, the applicant must clearly specify at least one accredited study programme (usually in the document confirming the purpose of stay in Czech territory) for which the linguistic preparation and training course is intended. Therefore not just any course that a university states that it is identified in a confirmation of study or confirmation of acceptance to study as a course intended for study on accredited study programmes shall be considered to constitute study pursuant to this provision of the Act.

  • Participation in a language and vocational course held within the scope of a programme of the European Union or on the basis of an international treaty - § 64(b) Act No. 326/1999 Coll.

secondary education and higher vocational education in fields of education at secondary schools, conservatories or higher vocational schools registered in the register of schools and educational facilities as part of an exchange programme taking place in a Czech host organisation -

  • § 64(c) Act No. 326/1999 Coll.

  • A study visit with a grant, operated under applicable international treaties or agreements, implemented by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, on an existing Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic grant programme or on a European Union grant programme or on the basis of a decision of the Government of the Czech Republic - § 64(d) Act No. 326/1999 Coll.

  • Internship intended for gaining knowledge, skills and experience attended by a foreign national in a domestic host organisation during studies at a university abroad or within a maximum of two years after completion of studies at university, organised or coordinated by a domestic university, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic or legal person accredited for such purposes by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, with registered offices outside the territory of the Czech Republic, but with an organisation unit within the territory- § 64(e) Act No. 326/1999 Coll.

European Voluntary Service for foreign volunteers between 18 and 30 years of age, intended or volunteer service for foreign nationals to gain practical and specialised experience, taking place at host organisation as part of an EU project, programme or initiative, or a similar state organised programme organised or coordinated for this purpose by a legal person accredited for such purposes by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic or by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Czech Republic, with registered offices outside the territory of the Czech Republic, but with an organisation unit within the territory- § 64(f) Act No. 326/1999 Coll.

  • Exchange of experiences and study stays by persons responsible for education and development of human resources if such activities are performed as part of a programme or initiative of the European Union or under international treaties - § 64(f) Act No. 326/1999 Coll.

For an application for issuance of a visa for a stay of over 90 days (aka a long-stay visa) for study purposes pursuant to § 30(1) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll., the same circumstances as above as for the issuance of long-term residence permit for study purposes must apply.

If none of the above circumstances applies to the foreign national, it is impossible to issue him/her a long-term residence permit pursuant to a long-stay visa pursuant to § 30(1) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. A long-stay visa may be issued to a foreign national who participates in the following:

  • Education on an unaccredited study programme at a public or private university.

Some higher education institutions offer (unaccredited) educational programmes (courses) which are partially "combined" with accredited study programmes - these tend to be short-term (lasting one to two semesters) educational programmes intended for students of universities to which at first glance § 64(a) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll. cannot apply and which are operated as part of exchange programmes intended for partner universities abroad, most Czech public and private universities.

If the document confirming the purpose of stay specifies that the foreign national participating in such educational activities shall be registered in the national register of students, such activities shall be considered to constitute study pursuant to § 64(a) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll.  and the foreign national may make an application for a long-term residence permit for study purposes or a visa for a stay of over 90 days for study purposes (see above).

If such (unaccredited) study programmes take place under multi-lateral international treaties (CEEPUS, MVF), bilateral international treaties (cultural cooperation agreements, or implementing protocols to such agreements), departmental agreements, resolutions of the Government of the Czech Republic involving developing countries and their inhabitants or EU programmes and initiatives, they shall also be considered to constitute study pursuant to § 64(a) Act No. 326/1999 Coll. and in such case, the foreign national may make an application for a long-term residence permit for study purposes or for a visa for a stay of over 90 days for study purposes (see above).

  • Education on a study programme accredited in a different state than the Czech Republic or at a university accredited by a different state than the Czech Republic

This applies, for instance, to education at universities that operate study programmes accredited in a different EU member state and have a branch in the territory of the Czech Republic.

  • Participation in language courses and training and programmes that do not serve for preparation for study on an accredited university study programme.

This mainly concerns study or also participation in linguistic preparation and training to study an accredited study programme of a higher-education institution organised by a private higher-education institution. (When preparative Czech language courses are organised by any private university, even if they are intended as preparation for study on an accredited study programme, such preparation cannot be considered to constitute study pursuant to § 64( b) of Act No. 326/1999 Coll.).

Participation in study tours and other educational courses and programmes that are implemented by institutions that do not come under Act No. 561/2004 Coll. (in the case of primary, secondary and higher vocational schools) or Act No. 111/1998 Coll. (in the case of universities).


"Scientific research"

The document on the purpose of the stay is a hosting agreement with the research organisation signed in accordance with § 30c of Act No. 341/2005 Coll., on Public Research Institutions, as amended.

The agreement must be entered into with a research institution entered in the List of Research Organisations Approved for Accepting Research Workers from Non-EU Countries declared by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports notification No. 391/2010 Coll.

Research activity is understood to be the same activity of an academic worker or a host professor at a public research institution or another research organisation entered in the List of Research Organisations Approved for Receiving Research Workers from Non-EU Countries - when applying for a long-term residence permit for the purpose of "scientific research", a hosting agreement must always be submitted. If such an academic worker or hosting professor intends to work at the public research institutions or another research organisation as an employee solely on the basis of an employment contract, not on the basis of a hosting agreement, he/she can file for an employee card [see § 98 letter n) of Act No. 435/2004 Coll., on Employment].



The proof of the purpose of your stay when applying for an EU registration certificate will be, for example, a work contract or a contract for work or a contract of services concluded with an employer.

As of June 24th, 2014 long-term residence permits for the purpose of employment are no longer issued. This type of permit was replaced by the Employee Card. More information on requirements of application for an employee card can be found here.



When applying for a long-term visa or for a long-term residence permit (or its extension), the document on the purpose of stay labelled as "business" the entry into the pertinent register, list or record.

As per a foreign national who will do business or is doing business on the basis of the Trade Licensing Act as a self-employed person, it will be a statement from the Trade Register in accordance with § 47/7 or 8) of the Trade Licensing Act. Likewise, it can be a statement from the Commercial Register, but also, for instance, an entry into the list that is a condition of carrying out an independent occupation, or, for EU citizens for the purpose of a certificate for temporary residence, a testimonial from the municipal office of a municipality with extended competence on entry into the record of an agricultural entrepreneur.

If the applicant is a shareholder or a member of a statutory of a company or cooperative that does not ensure the tasks ensuing from the given legal entity’s subject of business for this legal entity (i.e. a work permit for this purpose has not been issued, so that he/she can apply for a stay for the purpose of employment), the document on the purpose of the stay will be an extract from the Commercial Register, from which his/her status as a statutory body or member of a statutory body of a company or cooperative is clear.


"Family reunification"

The document on the purpose of stay will mainly be an original of the document demonstrating a relationship to the holder of the authorisation for family reunification (e.g. a birth certificate, marriage certificate, a document on guardianship, a document confirming the fact that the person is without any financial means, a document on a foreign national being solitary or his/her health status). You are obliged to submit a travel document, birth certificate, marriage certificate and the documents proving the purpose of stay in original! Any other document proving the purpose of the stay may be submitted in the original or in a form of a certified copy.

A spouse is also considered to be a partner, i.e. a person that can prove that they have entered an officially confirmed permanent partnership of two persons of the same sex (e.g. on the basis of the Act on Registered Partnerships and also on the basis of a similar act from another state). The child of a spouse is considered to be the child of one of the partners or a child entrusted to the care of the partner.


Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, June 30th, 2023

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