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Changes in conditions for the entry and stay on the territory of the Czech Republic from 2011

THIS INFORMATION MAY NOT BE UP TO DATE ANY LOGNER!On this website, you are provided with all information related to changes which became effective from 2011. The changes are stemming from an amendment to the Act on Residence of Foreign Nationals' in the Territory of the Czech Republic which entered into force on January 1, 2011. 

Appeal Commission on Residence of Foreign Nationals – new appeal authority

New authority has been established in charge of decision-making on matters related to appeals lodged by foreign nationals against decisions taking by the Ministry of the Interior with regard to their stay on the territory of the Czech Republic. Its establishment follows the transfer of some matters related to residence of foreign nationals in the Czech Republic from the Police of the Czech Republic (Foreign Police) to the Ministry of the Interior.

The Appeal Commission on Residence of Foreign Nationals decides on appeals related to residence of foreign nationals lodged against decisions taken by the Ministry of the Interior (Department for Asylum and Migration Policy) in the first instance and in other cases stipulated by law.

Foreign nationals who disagree with the decision of the Ministry of the Interior concerning their residence in the Czech Republic may – in accordance with the Czech Procedure Code (§ 86 para 1 of the Law Nr. 500/2004 Coll. ) - apply for review of such a decision.

Appeal shall be lodged (in Czech language) at the authority which issued the decision in question, namely at the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior. The appeal is subsequently transmitted to the Commission; appeals should thus not be lodged directly at the Commission.

Komise pro rozhodování ve věcech pobytu cizinců
nám. Hrdinů 1634/3
Poštovní schránka 155/S0
140 21 Praha 4

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