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Next Stop The Czech Republic


The pre-departure information package "Next Stop The Czech Republic" consists of a brochure and a film. It is intended for citizens of non-EU countries who are considering residing in the Czech Republic for longer than 90 days and will therefore be applying for either a long-term visa or a long-term residence permit.

The project was implemented by Slovo 21 in cooperation with other nongovernmental nonprofit organisations, the IOM, representatives of Integration Centres and staff of the Ministry of the Interior - Department for Asylum and Migration Policy. It was co-financed by the European Union, from the European Fund for the integration of third-country nationals, and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

You can watch the film in Ukrainian, Czech, English, Russian, Vietnamese, French, Mongolian, Arabic Serbian and Spanish languages:


The brochure is available in these languages:


Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, March 16th, 2021

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