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How to search?

A researcher wishing to search a database should at least have a basic idea what record he or she is looking for and when and from what authorities it was produced.
Example: If you are looking for the location of archival materials pertaining to the Jewish and Romany holocaust during World War II, there is no point in entering words such as holocaust, deportation, etc. into the name. You have to know which authorities or individuals were involved in the holocaust.
The database can then be used to ascertain the archives in which the archival records of these authorities can be found, the locations that these authorities or organisations were seated in, whether the archival documentation spanning the entire period of existence of these authorities was preserved, the number of metres the fund (collection) has, whether the archival records are processed or unprocessed, whether an finding aid of this archive group has been performed, and whether there are any finding aids related to the archive group.
For a satisfactory search result, it is necessary to enter the correct search criteria:
  1. Searching by archive – an archive is selected from a list of archives on a popup list that opens up by clicking on the button on the right side of the text field.
  2. Searching by field
    Searching is done according to words in the first four fields (second through fifth). We recommend entering roots of the word, e.g., “Tusc” instead of “Tuscany” (this includes prefixes!). No differentiation is made between upper and lower case letters in the search except when a search is conducted according to a specific value (Exact name is), e.g., the name of an archive group (archive fond or collection). Clicking on the button above the field in which the criterion is entered brings up a popup list from which you can chose whether the word being looked for can be found in the text of a record, whether it is an exact name (Exact name is), or whether the name looked for contains at least one of the words or all of the words (if you enter more than one word). 
  3. Searching by time
    By entering an exact date (e.g., 1526), the system finds all archive groups and collections whose time span includes the year being searched (without prior and posterior). By entering the time interval (from – to), you can find archive groups whose time span includes at least one of the years in the interval entered.
  4. Searching by subject group
    You can set the subject group by pressing the “Show groups” button. By clicking on the specific subject group, you chose this group, and the system then finds all files categorised into this group and its subgroup. The other possibility is to specify the selection by clicking on the arrow symbol on the left and then clicking on one of the subgroups on the popup list. The system then finds only those archive groups categorised under this subgroup.
  5. Combination of criteria
    Finally we mention the principle of combined criteria (Result must fulfil) – all of the entered criteria apply at the same time or at least one of the entered criteria applies.

A search can be conducted only on the basis of the following criteria:
  • Name of fund (collection) – Czech names of archive groups are based on the last official or other commonly used name of the creator.
  • Name of archive – the name of the archive or the cultural institute in full is indicated.
  • Place of creation of archive group (archival fond or collection) – the place where the fond was created is indicated (more than one location is possible). The place of creation need not be stated in the case of personal fonds and collections created directly in the respective archives.
  • Fond (collection) creator – the name (names) of the creator (creators) is stated with the period over which the name was used.
  • Time span – it is possible to search according to the lower (older) and upper (younger) timeframe of the archival records, i.e., the period that the archival materials of the mentioned fund (collection) are from.
  • Subject group – the group is chosen from the predefined code list.

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