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Media literacy interactively and for all

Project Facts:
Project Promoter: Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
Project partners from donor states: University of South-Eastern Norway
Project partners from the Czech Republic: Charles University - Faculty of Education
Title of the Programme: Home Affairs
Number of the Project: VV-MGS-008
Target group: Children and youth (under and including 17 years of age)
Seniors (above 65)
Project duration: 2. 6. 2022 - 31. 12. 2023
Total Eligible Costs: 155 128 EUR
Grant: 139 615 EUR (90 %)

Description of the project:

The main aim of the project “Media literacy interactively and for all” is the development of media literacy among particularly vulnerable target groups of students aged 15 - 19 and seniors aged 65+.

The target groups of the project are vulnerable due to their high use of technology combined with yet developing critical thinking (case of students) and underdeveloped skills for safe and effective working in the online environment.

The aim will be achieved by developing and distributing two interactive massive open online courses (one per target group). Each course, didactically adapted for the particular target group, will cover subjects such as critical thinking subjects, new and old media, or fact-checking. The course will be distributed via partners consisting of various institutional actors involved in education (high schools, libraries, youth organizations, e-senior platforms) selected particularly from structurally excluded regions with low scores of media literacy. Distribution will be aided by workshops with partners' educators and the development of an escape game designed to increase the project's visibility. On a general level, the project will contribute to intergenerational learning, resilience to cyber threats and goals CR singed for in the areas of cybersecurity (e.g., education, tech sovereignty, international cooperation). The project team consists of an expert on ICT, media literacy and sociology from prominent Czech universities.


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