About us
The Department of Structural Funds of the Ministry of Interior was established in 2007 to carry out the tasks of the Intermediate Body in the EU Funds programming period 2007-2013. It has also been involved in the preparation and implementation of the projects within the Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme and the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanism for the programming period 2009-2014. Activities included the following:
- Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme: ensuring a complex administration in a part aimed
at supporting cooperation between Czech and Swiss subjects in the field of prevention and management of disasters and the fight against corruption. - Norway Grants 2009-2014: engagement in the implementation as a partner of the CZ14 Programme - Schengen Cooperation and Combatting Cross-Border and Organised Crime, including Trafficking and Itinerant Criminal Groups.
Furthermore, in the 2007-2013 programming period, we acted as an Intermediate body for:
- Integrated Operational Programme, Area of Intervention 1.1 Development of Information Society in Public Administration.
- Human Resources and Employment Operational Programme, Area of Support 4.1 Strengthening Institutional Capacity and Effectiveness of Public Administration.
The title of the department was changed to "Department of the Financial Mechanisms and Structural Funds" from 1st November 2019.
The Department currently acts as the Programme Operator of the Programme “Home Affairs” within the Norway grants 2014-2021 and carries out the main activities of the responsible authority within the structure of the Ministry of the Interior. The main Programme objective is to enhance police competence in preventing and combating crime, to improve communication skills between police and public and as well as strengthening of international cooperation in area of media literacy and combating hybrid threats. Within the Department, following units perform the activities of the PO:
- Implementation of Financial Mechanisms of the European Economic Area and Swiss-Czech Cooperation Unit
- Control and Methodology Unit
- Financial management and Administrative Support Unit