Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky  

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Project for support of information literacy in Zambia successfully continues

Employees of the Ministry of the Interior train students in Nkomba Basic School which is localized near the village of Nampundwe, about 50 kilometers from the capital city of Lusaka. 

Readmission agreement with Switzerland

Minister Martin Pecina and Ambassador Jean-François Kammer signed the Readmission agreement 

Looking back at the Czech Presidency

Overview of priorities and activities of the Ministry of the Interior during the Czech Presidency 

Project for support of information literacy in Zambia finished

Ministry of the Interior has successfully finished one of its developmental projects aimed at closing the digital divide 

Czech Presidency of the EU - News

Press releases and photos about current activities of the Ministry of Interior and its representatives during the Czech Presidency of the EU 

Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum meets at the Castle of Zbiroh

From 5 - 6 May 2009, an informal meeting of the Strategic Committee on Immigration, Frontiers and Asylum took place at the Castle of Zbiroh in the Czech Republic. After the Council of Ministers of Jus... 

Markéta  Matlochová  - 12.5.2009

Building Migration Partnership: Joint Declaration

Text of the Declaration from the Ministerial Conference held in Prague on 27th and 28th April 2009 

Ministerial Conference “Building Migration Partnerships” – on-line news

April 27th to 28th, 2009 – The ministerial conference “Building Migration Partnerships” is taking place in Prague. The main goal of the conference is to intensify joint cooperation based on the princi... 

Markéta  Matlochová  - 27.4.2009

Participants of the conference „Safer Internet for Children“ adopted the Prague Declaration

The Czech Ministry of Interior in cooperation with the European Commission, organized a ministerial conference „Safer Internet for Children – fighting together against illegal content and conduct on-l... 

Markéta  Matlochová  - 21.4.2009

Czech Presidency helps remove further barriers – this time in eGovernment

On 7th April 2009, an international conference on “eID and Public Registers” was held as part of the 12th annual ISSS Conference (Internet in the Public Administration and Self-government). 

Markéta  Matlochová  - 8.4.2009


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