Voting in Elections
Foreign nationals in the Czech Republic can vote in elections to municipal councils (or in a local referendum) and in elections to the European Parliament.
Elections to Municipal Council
Pursuant to the provision of Section 4(1) of Act No. 491/2001 Coll., on Elections to Municipal Councils and on Amendments to Some Acts, as amended, a citizen of a foreign state who has reached the minimum age of 18 years on the day of the elections, or on the second day of the elections, if such elections take place over a period of two days, has the right to vote in elections to the council of a municipality, a town or the capital city of Prague, provided that he or she is registered for permanent residence in the given municipality, town or the capital city of Prague and that he or she has the right to vote under an international treaty which is binding for the Czech Republic and which has been promulgated in the Collection of International Agreements.
So far, only one such international treaty exists, and this is the Agreement on Accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union, which became effective as of 1 May 2004 (Communication No. 44/2004 Coll. of International Agreements). Therefore, the right to vote in municipal council elections in the territory of the Czech Republic is held only by the citizens of other EU Member States provided that they meet the requirements as to age, permanent residence and provided that they apply to be included in an addendum to the regular electoral register at the relevant municipal office (Section 28(1) of the Act on Elections to Municipal Councils).
Elections to the European Parliament
Pursuant to Section 5(1) of Act No. 62/2003 Coll., on Elections to the European Parliament and on Amendments to Some Acts (hereinafter referred to as the “European Parliament Elections Act”), the right to vote in European Parliament elections in the territory of the Czech Republic is also held by a citizen of another EU Member State, who has reached the age of 18 years at latest by the second day of the elections and who has been registered for permanent residence or temporary residence in the territory of the Czech Republic for a minimum period of 45 days prior to such elections.
A citizen of another EU Member State who has the right to vote in elections to the European Parliament may manifest their will to vote in European Parliament elections in the territory of the Czech Republic by filing the Application for Entry onto the List of Voters for the European Parliament Elections in the Czech Republic (pdf, 141 kB)with the municipal council in whose administrative district this citizen is registered for permanent residence or temporary residence in the Czech Republic, not later than 40 days before the date on which such elections are to take place.
A citizen of another EU Member State who is already registered in the addendum to the regular electoral register in accordance with the Municipal Councils Elections Act may manifest their will to vote in elections to the European Parliament in the territory of the Czech Republic by filing the Application to Transfer Data from the Appendix to the Permanent List of Voters to the List of Voters for the European Parliament Elections in the Czech Republic (pdf, 141 kB) with the municipal council where the citizen is listed in the addendum to the regular electoral register, not later than 40 days before the date on which such elections are to take place.
Detailed information for citizens of other EU Member States on the conditions of voting in European Parliament elections in the territory of the Czech Republic can be found here.
You can find more information on elections on the website of the General Administration Department, Elections Section, which is responsible for this agenda.