Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


Modern Administration

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On October 21st, 2020 the Government of the Czech Republic decided on the ban to the free movement of all persons

in the territory of the Czech Republic that comes into force on October 22nd, 2020 (06:00). 


There are exceptions to the ban on free movement, including in particular travelling to work, to see the family, to healthcare facilities, to weddings or funerals, abroad or returning to one's place of residence in the Czech Republic. More detailed information on the exceptions can be found here. Taking into account the other introduced restrictions (such as closure of hotels and accommodation facilities for tourists or limiting the group size in public spaces to a maximum of two people), it is possible to travel to the Czech Republic only for essential reasons, i.e. traveling for the purpose of tourism or visiting friends is not possible. This decision does not affect cross-border workers in any new way. Border controls have not been reintroduced.

Resolution of the Government of the Czech Republic of 21st October 2020 no. 1078 on the Adoption of Crisis Measures (pdf, 87 kB)



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