Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


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The ministry of interior is supreme office for the realms of public administration, internal security, border protection and eGovernment in the Czech Republic. 

Scope of Competencies of the Ministry of the Interior

The Ministry of the Interior is a central governmental authority for home affairs, in particular for:

  • public order and other matters relating to internal order and security within its defined scope of competence, including supervision of road traffic safety
  • fire protection;
  • the right of association and the right of assembly, and registering organisations with international links;
  • public collections;
  • state, economic and service secrets;
  • maintaining archives; and
  • the territorial structure of the state;
  • travel documents, granting residence to foreign nationals and granting refugee status;
  • the national border, surveying of the national border, maintenance and documentation;
  • national symbols;
  • first names and surnames, Registers of Vital Records; nationality, identity documents, reporting residence, the register of inhabitants, and birth (personal) identification numbers;
  • firearms and ammunition.

The Ministry of the Interior also

  • maintains the telecommunication network of the Police of the Czech Republic and provides guidance relating to encoding services;
  • cooperates with Interpol.

The scope of competencies of the Ministry of the Interior is defined by Section 12 of Act No. 2/1969 Coll. on Establishing Ministries and Other Institutions of Central Government of the Czech Republic, as amended.

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