Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


Modern Administration

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CSCA Certificates

The Czech Country Signing Certificate Authority (CSCA) CSCA Root Certificate issued at 25/03/2011 




The distinguish name of the CSCA is
C=CZ, O=Czech Republic, OU=Ministry of Interior, CN=CSCA_CZ
CSCA Public Key Certificate
(Serial Number SN=74)

CZE_CSCA_20110325.cer (2 kB)

The SHA-1 fingerprint of the CSCA public key is
eb a1 4f 8f 3c 69 8a da b6 10 9b 12 35 28 ce d4 65 4a 08 59
The SHA-1 fingerprint of the CSCA self-signed certificate is
e4 91 f9 83 24 f4 50 04 98 a8 37 ac ae 0f 6c 79 20 77 dd ae 
CSCA Link Certificate
(Serial Number SN=75)
CZE_CSCA_LINK_20110325.cer (2 kB)
The SHA-1 fingerprint of the CSCA Link certificate is
97 7b c3 38 dc 19 0e 0a 7b 36 cd 71 26 1c 70 fd 28 4d a9 85


CZE_DS_20110325.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20110421.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20110524.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20110623.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20110721.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20110824.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20110921.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20111019.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20111124.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20111213.cer (2 kB)






CZE_DS_20120124.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20120222.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20120321.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20120522.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20120619.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20120724.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20120821.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20120918.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20121030.cer (2 kB)



CZE_DS_20121218.cer (2 kB)




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