Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


Modern Administration

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The Requirements for an application for a transit visa


(1)Unless specified otherwise below, together with the application for a transit visa, a foreign national  is required to submit:

a)a travel document;
b)a visa for the country that is the destination of the journey or whose borders the foreigner will be crossing en route to the destination country; this does not apply if the foreigner has the right to stay in the specific country without a visa;
c)sufficient resources for the stay in the territory (Section 13) and proof of sufficient resources to depart from the territory;
d)photographs; this does not apply if a video image of the foreigner will be obtained; and
e)if so requested, a physician’s confirmation that the foreigner is not suffering from a critical disease; this confirmation can only be requested if there is a reasonable suspicion that the foreigner is suffering from a critical disease.

(2) At the time an application is submitted according to Section 22 (5), a foreign national is also required to provide the reasons why a visa is being requested at a border crossing point. If the reason is due to a plane not having landed in the territory, the foreigner is not required to submit a document on health insurance or photographs.

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