Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


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Regulatory Impact Assessment in the Czech Republic

The obligation to produce Regulatory Impact Assessment to all legislative drafts submitted to the government (primary as well as secondary) is in force in the Czech Republic as of 1st November 2007. The obligation was imposed by the respective amendment of the Legislative Rules of the Government which include general requirements for drafting legislation proposed by the government 

The responsibility to evaluate all impacts according to the RIA methodology stays with a drafting authority of a legislative proposal, generally ministries and other central state administration bodies, which are bound by the Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) Guidelines. The control as to the quality of impact assessment studies is attributed to the Board of Deputy Ministers for Regulatory Reform and Effective Public Administration (only “Board” further in the text) established along the year 2007. The Minister of Interior holds the function of the Chairman of the Board and its statutory members are all central state administration authorities, the Union of Municipalities, the Association of Regions and the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic).

RIA Guidelines

When and how is RIA applied?


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