Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic  


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Procedure for Granting International Protection in the Czech Republic

Basic legal framework, characteristics of the Asylum Act,  

Alien’s stay at asylum facilities

The Asylum Act mentions asylum facilities. These are understood to include reception centres, accommodation centres and integration asylum centres. The various asylum facilities are differentiated on the basis of the purposes they serve. All of the facilities are established by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.
The asylum facilities are managed by the Refugee Facility Administration, an organisation funded from the budget of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

All the workplaces and offices at the asylum facilities and alien detention centres are managed by the Asylum Management Division – Prague Branch of the Department for Asylum and Migration Policy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.  

Reception centres

Applicants are obligated to stay at a reception centre for the period of time stipulated by law (for the purposes of performing identification processes, a medical examination, etc.). A breach of the obligation to remain at a reception centre is considered to be an offence.

Reception centres are located:

  • in the municipality of Zastávka u Brna (Havířská 514, P.O. Box 14, 664 84 Zastávka u Brna, Tel. +420 546 411 087)
  • at the Prague Ruzyně Airport (Prague – Ruzyně, Aviatická 12, 160 08 Prague 6)


Applicants are subsequently transferred to an accommodation centre. The accommodation centre provides accommodation for an applicant for international protection up until the time that the decision issued in the international protection matter becomes legally effective. The applicant for international protection has the right to receive accommodation, meals and other services under the conditions set forth by the Asylum Act for pocket money at the asylum facility at which the applicant has his/her registered address. The applicant participates in paying the expenses for meals and accommodation; however only the applicant’s financial resources that exceed the subsistence minimum of the applicant and accompanying family members can be used for paying these expenses. The applicant also has the right to leave the accommodation centre and live in private quarters if certain conditions are met (only under the condition that the Ministry allows the departure to a private address according to the information provided by the police). If the applicant has a registered address outside of the accommodation centre, he/she can be provided with a financial contribution under certain conditions. This financial support is paid out for a period of no more than three months and is intended to be used only for overcoming problems during the first few months of residing outside of asylum facilities.

Accommodation centres are located in the following municipalities:

  • Kostelec nad Orlicí (Rudé armády 1000, 517 41 Kostelec nad Orlicí, Tel. +420 494 323 803)
  • Havířov (735 64 Havířov - Dolní Suchá, Tel. 596 886 001)

Integration asylum centres

Integration asylum centres serve to provide temporary accommodation for recognised refugees.

Integration asylum centres are located in:

  • Brno - Židenice (Tovačovského 3, 636 00 Brno 36
  • Česká Lípa (Jiráskova 609, 470 01 Česká Lípa 1) 
  • Jaroměř (Palackého 11, 551 02 Jaroměř II)
  • Předlice (Husitská cesta 217/4, 400 05 Předlice - Ústí nad Labem)

Alien detention centre

Alien detention centre is located in:

  • Bělá pod Bezdězem - Jezová (No. 1501, 294 21 Bělá pod Bezdězem)

Accommodation centres

Department for Asylum and Migration Policy, 5 August 2016

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